Given one hour using Scrum, an Agile framework, our group was tasked with building an ergonomic chair for one of the class teaching assistants. 
Using three sprints of fifteen minutes, with a five minute sprint review that included consumer feedback, a chair was constructed using machines in the fabrication facility and spare wood that was made available. 
Sprint 1
In the short fifteen minute sprint, a stool design was created. We had not yet met our customer, so we weren't aware of how big or small to make it. We scaled it based on our heights. 
Due to the lack of time, the design created just looked like a stool. 
This first sprint was to first create a simple product that served the bare minimum requests: to hold someone sitting and remain stable.

Customer feedback:
-Wants more comfort when seated
-More security, chair tips forwards and backwards slightly when user is seated in the chair

Sprint 2
In this sprint, stabilizing wood pieces on the legs were added to prevent the rocking and provide comfort to the user through a sense of safety. A back rest was also attempted to be added, but in the short fifteen minute sprint, time did not allow for it to be stable. 

Customer feedback:
-Liked the chair
-Felt safe and secure when seated, liked the backrest despite it being unfinished
-Wanted further comfort
Sprint 3
The edge on the front paired with where it made contact with the users leg made it uncomfortable. This was fixed by sanding down the edge so it became a sloped edge, leading to far more comfort for the user. Additionally, foam padding was added for further comfort. 
Since time allowed, armrests were also added. This would give the user a chance to rest their arms if the chair wasn't next to a table or countertop. The backrest was also reinforced to be safer, and foam coated the backrest for more comfort. 

Customer feedback:
-Chair comfort improved drastically
-Felt safe and comfortable in chair
-Would only want aesthetic improvements to the wood, understood this would not be possible in only an hour outside of sanding edges for ergonomics. 
The manufacturing process for the project was incredibly hectic. Since we only had 45 minutes of build time, we had to move swiftly and efficiently. 
We were provided wood and allowed to use the table saw, hand sander, and a drill. There was also access to screws, washers, and foam that we found in the facility. 
Due to the short build times, delegation was important in order to make sure we were working as efficiently as possible. As the assigned build leader in this project, I had to incorporate the design ideas of the group into one design that we all agreed on. On top of this, deciding the manufacturing strategies and delegating who would do which part of the build was critical, as we did not have time to make a major mistake.  

Final Design
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